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The Evolution of Web Design
Web design has come a long way in 20 years. Here is the history of Web Design from the 1990s primarily text-based sites to today’s mobile sites in an infographic.
The Early 1990s —->Text Based Site
The First Websites Of the Early 1990s were single column, text-based pages done in HTML.
The Mid 1990s —-> Table Based Sites and Online Page Builders
Tables made it possible to create multiple column websites. This Expanded the text-based design model.
The Late 1990s —-> The Rise Of Flash
Flash began to catch on with designers in the late 1990s. Many websites become a combination of Table Based design and flash elements for spice.
The year 2000 —> CSS Hits The Web
Using CSS, This Development made it Easier to control the Uniform Look and Feel of a website apart from the content.
The early to Mid-2000s—-> The rise Of Javascript
Javascript was one of the first successful attempts to add intelligence to the web.
The MId-2000s—-> The Semantic Web
The semantic web is a web design movement aimed at allowing Machines to understand web pages, as well as Human viewers, do.
The Late 2000s —-> Web 2.0
Designers make heavy use of javascript and XML for smooth content transition and application development.
Now – The Mobile Web
Mobile sites contain bare essentials of the regular website. more and more websites have been designing alternative “mobile” version for surfers on the go.